Monday 12 December 2016

What is Advent?

Advent is a time of preparation and we were learning to identify and summarise the meaning and reason of the season Advent.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Birth of the Messiah

This week we were doing art and made a DLO to link up with our art work.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Mog saves Christmas

This weeks writing task we were to write about a Christmas video that we had watched and i chose to do it from both perspectives,The cat and The Thomas family.I think i done alright and i know there's a spot for improvement and i could've made it more in depth.

The cat’s perspective //
I woke up because I smelt smoke all around where I was sleeping.So I got straight up and jumped to the bench,I hopped over to the oven and walked along it,I had no idea of what made it happen but i tried to open the oven to get the burning item out.I closed it as a whole bit of dark smoke slammed into my face.I got horrified and scared so i backed it up a little bit,I felt that the whole oven was hot so i backed off it.I got so scared i didn’t notice walking all over the phone i heard two buttons that i had stepped on and heard one more as i leaped over to the kitchen table but i heard a voice from the phone as I tried to get right on to the table,I got hold of the table cloth but couldn’t exactly reach the table,But i pulled all the things off the ground but leaped up to table,This time i reached it...So now it was like this time where those popcorn nuts were flying around making everything in the kitchen a disaster.Then i ran out because everything was a mess.

The family’s point

Well We all woke up and heard a siren outside our house not even noticing the fire or smoke filling the air.We came out and were told by the fireman the Mog had actually saved our life and we thought that we should give her an egg so we walked inside and saw everything was black and all burnt.We were all sad then we turned around and saw our whole neighbourhood with their gifts and feasts it was cool our house was set up and full.

In the end Mog looked all guilty and all but then received an egg from one children and that brightened up his day.